Hi! My Name is Steven Sookhai!
Welcome to My Personal Website!

Software Engineer experienced in React, Redux, Javascript, Rails, and PostgreSQL.


Projects I have worked on recently.


Built with Rails, React, Redux, Javascript, and PostgreSQL, EndFlix is a clone of popular video streaming website Netflix. It provides functionality for creating an account, making profiles, adding movies to My List, searching for movies, and playing movies.

Space Sweeper

Built with Javascript, and HTML5 Canvas, Space Sweeper! is a space themed game where you are flying in space fighting your way through against enemies sent to eliminate you.


Built in a team of four with MERN, HypeCode is a coding environment where a user learns html by clicking buttons that render HTML. It familiarizes the user with HTML conceptually before introducing syntax.

About Me

Hello there, I'm Steven, I am a web developer with experience in Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React, and Redux. I'm passionate about problem solving, debugging, and writing clean, semantic code.I seek to bring the technical and creative together to build delightful, intuitive experiences.

